Another great coaching tool with teens is the “Time is Money” pie chart. Understanding time is as complex for teens as their relationship with money. Both shape the way we take care of our bodies, finances, and relationships. This dialogue can shift in so many ways. Let it.
Teens jump from one topic to another. It is important to ask them to write things down, key words, you want them to come back to. It is important for them to learn how to reflect on what they are saying, otherwise they might feel like the conversation with you was a big brain dump. They might feel drained or that they overshared.
Be flexible. Keep in mind, personal leadership tools and activities are your context, not a quiz. If your discussion moves into something more interesting for them to talk about, let the conversation flow. Teens rarely have a chance to articulate or explore topics like values, morals, ethics, or relationships, in a way where they are allowed to free associate.
Your role, as a coach is to make the connections clear and obvious. When connections are made, revisit the pie chart, or activity, and reflect on it by saying, “ok, now remember how you mentioned that part about friendships? How can you direct more time on that in your family? Emphasize who they are inside and outside of the family system. Focus on alignment. How does that affect your relationships? How does sit with you? This is where you can begin to talk about codependency.
Coach Yanna